Pequeñas infamias

Pequeñas Infamias es una novela sobre las casualidades de la vida. Sobre las que se descubren con sorpresa, sobre las que no llegan a descubrirse y sin embargo marcan nuestro destino, y sobre las que se descubren pero se mantienen en secreto, porque hay verdades que no deberían saberse nunca. Puede leerse, también, como una sátira de sociedad, como el retrato psicológico de una galería de personajes, o como un apasionante relato de intriga, cuyo misterio no se resuelve hasta las últimas páginas.

Pecadilloes/ Little Indiscretions

Spain: Editorial Planeta, 1998
France: Editions du Seuil, 2000
Book club rights: France Loisirs
Germany: Piper Verlag
Italy: Frasinelli, 2001
Netherlands: Byblos, 2000
Portugal: Temas & Debates, 1999
Book club rights: Circulo de leitores 1999
Brazil: Objetiva, 2000
Greece: Enalios , 2000
Turkey: Alfa Publishers
Poland: Muza
USA: Random House
UK: Transworld

1998 Planeta Prize

A diverse group of individuals meets at the summer residence of a wealthy art collector. They spend a few hours together and, despite the initial pleasant chitchat, the atmosphere becomes poisoned by all that is left unsaid between the guests, each of whom is concealing a secret, a personal disgrace. The situation quickly comes to resemble a jigsaw puzzle, the pieces of which come together and threaten to keep on multiplying, and becomes increasingly amusing as more and more unexpected coincidences emerge.

Peccadilloes deals with the coincidences of life; those fortuitous circumstances which cause surprise on revelation, those which are never exposed and yet mark our destiny, and those which come to light but are kept secret, because there are certain truths that should never be revealed. The novel can also be read as a satire on society, as a psychological portrait gallery or as a thrilling tale of intrigue and suspense, with a mystery that is not resolved until the very last pages the book.

Press comments on the book:

“The whole novel is presented humorously, a vein in which the author excels, combining irony and wit with gentle satire and parody, and an effective, flowing prose with an expressive use of colloquial idiom. The reader is guaranteed entertaining reading”

Santos Sanz Villanueva, El Mundo

“In this novel, Carmen Posadas touches a number of different worlds, especially that of the upper middle-classes. She makes use of a range of literary resources, third-person narrative, monologue, alternating between past and present, and in the best detective-novel tradition- Agatha Christie comes to mind- fits together the different parts of the puzzle with consummate skill”.

Miguel García-Posada, El País

“Pequeñas Infamias provides honest-to-goodness entertainment and draws on the author´s personal experience to give us a close-up view of a glittering Madrid high society that is rotten to the core”.

Alfred Rexach, La Vanguardia

“Somewhere between detective story and witty satire, these Petites Infamies present a Carmen Posadas abounding in inspiration, fitting together the pieces of her puzzle with incomparable skill”

Livres Hebdo

“Her gaze is irresistibly penetrating, her metaphors irrefutable and her seduction dangerous. Oh Carmen, Carmen! We can´t wait for you next crimes.”

Le Nouvel Observateur

“Composed in the manner of recipes that serve to reveal different and contradictory points of view of the same event, Petites Infamies, with its thousands of surprises, is a superb exercise in detective fantasy, to be savoured hot or cold, according to taste”

Maxime Romain, La Marseillase

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